“The research group focuses on biodiesel production via different transesterification processes. However, the FAME content was a bit challenging. The procurement of IRSphinx ATR resolved it and saves time. It shows a good correlation when compared with the FTIR”
Chemical Engineering Department, London South Bank University
“The research group focuses on biodiesel production via different transesterification processes. However, the FAME content was a bit challenging. The procurement of IRSphinx ATR resolved it and saves time. It shows a good correlation when compared with the FTIR”
Chemical Engineering Department, London South Bank University
IRSphinx Transmission
IRSphinx ATR

Transmission Spectrometer Range.
Table-top ATR Spectrometer range.
2.5-5um or 5.5-11um wavelength Range.
2.5-5um or 5.5-11um wavelength Range.
Download Datasheet – IRSphinx Transmission Datasheet
Download Datasheet – IRSphinx ATR Datasheet
IRSphinx Transmission

Transmission Spectrometer Range.
2.5-5um or 5.5-11um wavelength Range.
Download Datasheet – IRSphinx Transmission Datasheet
IRSphinx ATR

Table-top ATR Spectrometer range.
2.5-5um or 5.5-11um wavelength Range.
Download Datasheet – IRSphinx ATR Datasheet
IRSphinx ATR – The IRSphinx ATR spectrometer uses Attenuated Total Reflection to record a spectrum whereby the sample is placed on the crystal surface and cleaned after measurement. The IRSphinx ATR spectrometer is available in industrial (thermally stabilised) and portable (Bluetooth) models that require link to an external tablet or PC.
IR Sphinx Transmission – The IRSphinx Transmission is an in-line spectrometer that can be a stand-alone or as part of the fieldkit. The Device uses the Transmission principle and contains a flow cell that can be tailored to different pathlengths depending on the application.
Whether the device is Transmission or ATR based they are available in wavelength ranges from 2.5-5um and 5.5-11.0um. The spectral resolution is between 18-36cm-1 and all products run from our proprietary software and measurements can be made by the user or with automated procedure in under 2 minutes.